My StorY.......

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Third trimester of pregnancy ( III )

• Increased perspiration. Pregnant women often experience increased perspiration. This is the result of growth and movement by the fetus. During hot weather, pregnant women may benefit from resting, drinking cold liquids and taking cool showers. This can prevent overheating.

• Shortness of breath. Pregnant women may experience shortness of breath, as the result of the uterus expanding beneath the diaphragm (the muscle below the lungs). Patients may benefit from taking long, deep breaths. Maintaining good posture is also beneficial because it gives the lungs room to expand. At night, women are encouraged to use an extra pillow or sleep on their left side. Pregnant women should contact their ObGyn when they experience shortness of breath accompanied by chest pain or a cough.

• Continued breast growth. Most women experience breast growth throughout pregnancy. During the late stages of pregnancy, hormones cause the breasts to grow even larger in preparation for breastfeeding. By the third trimester, a woman may have an additional one to three pounds (1.4 kilograms) of breast tissue. This may result in tenderness and discomfort. Women may benefit from wearing a more supportive bra, such as a nursing or maternity bra.

• Changes in skin color. During the second half of pregnancy, hormonal changes may cause the skin to darken. Some woman may develop darker nipples or a dark line running from the naval to the pubic hairline (linea nigra). Pregnancy may also cause blotchy brown pigmentations to appear on the nose, forehead or cheeks. They may also appear over the eyes. Known as melasma or chloasma (mask of pregnancy), these changes are particularly common among women with dark hair and pale skin. Most of these skin changes fade or disappear following delivery.


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