National Nurses Day 2006

• the aging population increases demands for nurses, and the need for long-term caregivers continues to grow.
• Advances in medical science have allowed those with debilitating and terminal conditions to live longer, increasing needs for nursing skills.
• Health care cost containment initiatives and the increasing importance of managed care in the U.S. health care delivery system have had a great impact on the work environment of nurses. Just like professionals in other areas where "downsizing" has occurred in recent years, today's nurse is part of a leaner staff doing more work.
• At the same time, nurses are moving into new positions – nurse practitioners and doctor's assistants, for example.
• Registered nurses top the list of the 10 occupations with the largest projected job growth in the years 2002 to 2012, according to a 2004 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report.

National Nurses Week is May 6-12. (The week-long celebration accommodates the variety of schedules nurses are required to work).
Not just this year, but every year, regardless of the days of the week upon which those dates fall.
May 6 is the official nurse recognition day, with student nurse day on May 8 and school nurse day on May 9. (This recognition day was previously observed during January and, unlike the others, is not a fixed date.)
The week draws attention to and celebrates the contributions that nurses and nursing make to the community. The full week of recognition culminates on Florence Nightingale’s birthday, May 12.

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